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With Kickwords International even the most complex technical text will be translated accurately for complete understanding in your new market. No matter what your industry or area of expertise, we can transform your technical data to make sure it can be understood all over the world. We ensure that every specification and detail, no matter how big or small, is accurately translated in each language to prevent miscommunication.
Our extensive screening system means that we only work with highly experienced translators. You can therefore be confident in the level of accuracy that we provide. Plus, since we utilise computer translation alongside human translation, we’re able to tackle even the biggest projects incredibly quickly without sacrificing quality. Our project managers will develop an action plan for your technical documentation to ensure its translated just in time and with your budget in mind.
For comprehensive management of your project and impeccable accuracy, contact Kickwords International for your technical translations.
* Some operations are handled from our Eastern European offices, both in Chisinau, Moldova and Lviv, Ukraine.
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